Mining Forum of South Africa (MFSA) has called on Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane to suspend or cancel mining giant Lonmin’s operations after they failed to comply with social and labour plans (SLPs).
The MFSA feels that Lonmin has shown arrogance and lack of willingness to abide by the laws governing the industry.
According to an article published on IOL, in a letter the forum said “We are extremely disturbed and disappointed by the consistent actions that have been carried out by Lonmin for the past years up until now”.
The letter revealed that in 2006, Lonmin committed to building 5500 houses for employees and this has not materialised to date.
The mining company also pledged to implement Local Economic Development and Human Resources Development programmes, and none of these came into existence.
MFSA has criticised Lonmin for its inability to implement Farlam’s Commission of Inquiry recommendations after the 2012 Marikana massacre.
Bapo ba Mogale Tribal Authority this month and in October, also furnished letters to President Jacob Zuma and Minister Zwane to take drastic steps against Lonmin over controversial R640 million royalties deal between the mining company and the local tribal authority.